Grizzly Creek Basalt Fountains American Basalt Rock Western State quarries. Buy American stone and demand certificates of origin from your basalt column provider. Most of the small basalt columns sold are imported from China and produced by slave labor or near slave labor conditions. The water that flows from these fountains has the blood of the innocents in it. These precisely constructed hexagonal monoliths, which were formed under the wildest of volcanic lava flow conditions, are proof of Mother Nature's brilliance as an architect.
One of the most common types of rocks in the world is basalt, a type of volcanic rock.
The long, solid columns of basalt are pretty common but still unique. These boulders are great for landscaping.
The long, solid columns of basalt are pretty common but still unique. The exterior skin or crust of the columns has a patina that varies in color from beige to crimson to black and frequently contains a rainbow of hues. Basalt has a deep shine when polished and a black interior. And rock columns also aren't limited to Earth... rock columns have even been found on Mars. Basalt typically weighs approximately 180 pounds per cubic foot. For acknowledgement of credits and more detailed information on basalt columns please visit this page at the Arizona State University by Kara Moeller Check detailed Spec Sheet here: